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You can find the Project Summary Report on the project in the "Documents" section of this Engage Bozeman page. We look forward to implementing some permanent installations this year using the feedback from the community that was gathered at the end of summer last year.
Included in the Documents section are four documents that might be of interest. The final report is the summary of all of the data collection, public outreach and engagement, and evaluation of the temporary installations that were in place over the summer of 2024.
Some quick highlights include:
- The original scope of the project was revised before installation of the on-the-street features due to anticipated construction south of Main Street. The new project scope thus included the portion of Black Avenue from Main Street to Tamarack Street.
- The installed pilot project included temporary traffic circles, other intersection treatments, wayfinding, and artwork at key areas on the Black Avenue corridor.
- Baseline data was collected in May and early June of 2023 and then again during the installation in the summer of 2024.
- Data collected included traffic volume and speed. The analysis of the data showed an overall increase in volume, which could be due to several factors, including simply an increase in population, collection during the height of the tourist season, folks wanting to try out the new facility, or a change in people's use patterns due to construction in other locations. The speed data shows a general small, but promising, decrease in overall speed. The data collected on this project align with the data collected on other traffic calming projects.
- Public input strongly suggested that strategically placed, permanent traffic circles was a supportable solution for future bicycle boulevards and for Black Avenue.
Thank you again for your participation and interest in this project.
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The Survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to try out the Bicycle Boulevard and provide feedback.
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Join us for a public open house at the Beall Park Recreation Center on August 29th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to find out more about the project and give the project team your feedback. Bubbly water refreshments will be provided and there will be a door raffle which will include a "vintage" bike route sign and goody bag.
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Recently installed traffic calming features include Traffic Circles and Curb Extensions along the Black Avenue corridor. Traffic Circles are mini-roundabouts that help to lower speeds at intersections. Treat Traffic Circles like you would a larger roundabout: traffic should always flow to the right. Curb Extensions are areas where the sidewalk is widened in order to create better visibility and shorter crossings for pedestrians. Informational signs, such as the one featured here, will be placed throughout the project. The QR code located on the bottom right of the sign directs the user back to this Engage Bozeman page.
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You might have noticed the cool art piece installed at the intersection of Black Avenue and Villard Street. The art piece was designed and painted by high school student Griffin Brokaw. It adorns the Traffic Circle feature in the middle of the intersection and yes, its part of the larger project! We're working on installing the final traffic calming elements this month and you will soon see some informational signage helping to explain what these changes do and mean. We will also be working on collecting speed and volume data towards the end of the month.
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Residents on, and closely surrounding, the Black Avenue corridor will be sent updated information regarding the installation of the bicycle boulevard project. Originally planned for a fall 2023 installation, the project was rescheduled for spring of 2024 to maximize the installation effectiveness and opportunity for success and feedback. The project is planned along Black Avenue from East Tamarack Street to West Main Street. No major closures are expected with this installation. Informational signage will help users understand the installation features on the bicycle boulevard and provide a link to this web page.
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Originally planned for a late summer 2023 installation the pilot project has been rescheduled for spring of 2024. The area being considered for the pilot project may be reduced in length compared to the original project scope. The temporary bicycle boulevard treatments are intended to be in place throughout the summer of 2024. Public engagement remains an important aspect of this project. Additional information regarding plans, a tentative schedule for installation, and further details on engagement opportunities will be available in January 2024. While no specific plans are currently in place for permanent installation, the results of the Black Avenue Bicycle Boulevard Pilot project will help determine what future permanent solutions could be installed. We apologize for the delay on this project and remain committed to delivering a project that will help to inform the future of bicycle boulevards in Bozeman.
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Residents on and near Black Avenue were recently sent a post card with information regarding the project. No feedback is requested at this time but will be collected at a later date. Look for information for community feedback this fall following the removal of the temporary bicycle boulevard installation.