Checking back in on the Fowler Avenue Connection
Happy Fall from the Fowler project team! We've updated the background section of this project and are chiming in here with a brief update.
The city is continuing to plan for this project as we refine cost estimates and begin to develop more detailed designs for this new connection based on public input and direction from the City Commission.
One of the ways we’re doing this is through the city’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This is a five year financial planning tool that the city updates every year. It ensures that we are looking ahead to provide schedules and cost estimates to improve and maintain city facilities, parks, and transportation infrastructure. The Fowler Avenue Connection Project will be a major component of the CIP this year.
The CIP goes through the typical public meeting process and will be presented to the Transportation Advisory Board at their meeting on October 25th, and City Commission at their meeting on December 12th. Head to where meeting agendas, materials, and links to join virtually will be posted 3 days before the meeting.

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