City Commission Recap and Direction
On July 16, 2024, the Director of Transportation and Engineering, Nick Ross, presented an update on the Fowler Avenue project (from Huffine Lane to Oak Street) to the City Commission. The presentation covered the project's background, timeline, community feedback, and design updates. The City Commission reviewed the 30% design plans and provided feedback, including changes to curb and turn lanes, path widths, street connections, and the addition of features like mini roundabouts and raised intersections. The focus was on improving pedestrian and cyclist safety, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring the project aligns with community needs.
Key recommendations include:
Oak to Durston Section
- Removal of all median curb and all left turn lanes, except the turn lanes at the Oak and Durston intersection
- Provide consistent 7-foot boulevard and 10-foot shared use paths
- Reduce harvest Creek buffer from 30-feet to 15-feet
- Add a mini roundabout at Anne Street intersection and to maintain a 37-foot width of Annie Street west Fowler until 48-foot transition at western limits of project
- Remove street connections for Farmall Street, Lily Drive, and Oliver Street
Durston to Babcock Section
- Provide consistent 7-foot boulevard and 10-foot shared use paths
- Remove bike lane
- Relocate east curb line
- Widen east sidewalk to 10-feet
- Include street trees
- Add a raised intersection and sidewalk connections to shared use path at Jennifer Street
- Remove street connection to Cascade Street
Babcock to Huffine Section
- Removal of bike lane
- Relocate west curb line
- Widen west sidewalk to 10-feet
- Include street trees
- Investigate feasibility of pedestrian underpass at Huffine

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