Newsletter update

Fowler Avenue Connection: Engagement update
Hello all,
A newsletter was sent recently to provide a couple of updates on the project. Check out the newsletter content below, click the "stories" tab to share your thoughts on what matters most to you in this new connection, and be sure to subscribe to email updates if you haven't already! Click "subscribe" in the bottom right side of this page.
The Sanderson Stewart and City of Bozeman project team will give a presentation on the Fowler Avenue Connection project to City Commission on February 15th at 6pm. The meeting will be virtual, and you can find the agenda and link to join on the City’s website.
Tune in to lean about the what, why, how, and when behind the project. No discussion, decisions, or deliberation will occur at this meeting, it’s purely informational. The purpose is to introduce the project team, review the scope and engagement process, and highlight some of the criteria that will be considered by the public, staff, and decision makers when designing and building this new transportation connection.
Share with us on Engage Bozeman! What are the most important considerations for you as we design the Fowler Avenue Connection? Whether you’re a neighbor, a Gallatin High student, or a commuter by bike, bus, or car, we want to hear about your values.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!
The Fowler Avenue project team

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