Parks, Recreation and Active Transportation Plan
The Urban Parks and Forestry Board and the Community Development Board have forwarded their recommendation of approval of the PRAT Plan to the City Commission. The final plan is now available for review in advance of the Commission hearing scheduled for September 12, 2023:
- PRAT Plan
- Design Manual (Appendix 2)
- See right margin for links to all appendices (updated 9/1//2023)
PRAT Adoption meetings and hearings:
1. The Urban Parks and Forestry Board began their review and final recommendation on the final plan draft at their June 22nd meeting; their discussion was continued to a special meeting on July 6th; resumed at their regular meeting on July 27, 2023; and continued again to a special meeting on August 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the City Commission Conference Room at City Hall.
2. The Community Development Board reviewed and recommended approval at a public hearing on July 3rd, 2023.
3. City Commission Adoption: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
To submit written public comment on the PRAT Plan please email the City Clerk's office at . Oral testimony during public meetings will be also be taken as described on the agendas.
Consultation has concluded