Key Dates
Urban Parks and Forestry Board - Final Draft Review and Possible Recommendation
UPFB will review and consider making a final recommendation on the final plan draft. If needed, a special meeting may be held on July 6th to continue the review and recommendation process of the Urban Parks and Forestry Board as the PRAT Plan moves toward final adoption by the Commission on July 25th, 2023. The Community Development Board will also make a recommendation on the PRAT Plan at their meeting tentatively scheduled for July 10th, 2023. Please check back for confirmation of final meeting dates and times and view the official calendar at the link below.
Community Development Board - Review and Recommendation
Steps Toward PRAT Adoption:
1. UPFB will review and consider making a final recommendation on the final plan draft at their June 22nd meeting.
2. If needed, a special meeting may be held on July 6th to continue the review and recommendation process of the Urban Parks and Forestry Board.
3. In order to comply with new state laws regarding "Issue Plans" such as the PRAT, the Community Development Board will also make a recommendation at their meeting tentatively scheduled for July 10th, 2023.
4. City Commission Adoption July 25, 2023
Please check back for confirmation of final meeting dates and times and view the official calendar at the link below.
City Commission - Final Adoption
Please check back for confirmation of final meeting dates and times and view the official calendar at the link below.
Transportation Board - 6:00 PM - PRAT Work Session #2
Agenda to be provided February 17
Urban Parks and Forestry Board - PRAT Work Session #3 - 6:00 PM
This work session will focus on the Active Transportation elements of the PRAT Plan.
- Agenda
Urban Parks & Forestry Board Special Meeting - Rescheduled PRAT Work Session #2 - 6:00 PM
Work Session #2 will focus on the PRAT Work Session Draft Goal 4-Adapt (pages 92-99) and Goal 5-Increase (pages 100-106). This meeting was rescheduled from December 22nd due to weather.
Urban Parks & Forestry Board - PRAT Work Session #1 - 6:00 PM
Work Session #1 included an overview of the first draft of the PRAT plan with emphasis on the engagement process and the Community Liaisons role in gathering input from underrepresented communities in Bozeman. Discussion focused on the first two goals in the PRAT Plan: Unify and Invest.
Virtual Workshop
Join us for a workshop online to share your ideas for the future of Bozeman's, parks, trails and recreation activities! Take part in shaping the City's Parks, Recreation, and Active Transportation plan (PRAT Plan). Can't wait to see you on April 5th and 6th!
MSU Rail Jam
City of Bozeman staff have a booth at this MSU-hosted event. Provide input on the plan and qualify for raffle prizes!
Northeast Neighborhood Association January Meeting
Staff update about PRAT (skip to 1:06:25)
Consultant-led Focus Groups
In November, the consultants held a series of virtual focus groups with Parks and Recreation Staff members from Recreation, Parks and Aquatics.
Camintoño (Walktober)
Hosted by Community Liaison, Luis Islas, the Camintoño event was intended to connect with the Latinx community around Safe Routes to Parks. In advance of the event, Luis canvassed the community to inform people about the PRAT Plan, his role as Community Liaison, and discuss which parks they visit and how they get there.
The Community Liaisons are funded by a Safe Routes Partnership grant received by the HRDC, in partnership with the City of Bozeman, Western Transportation Institute and Groundprint LLC.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Friday Forum Presentation
People are moving to Gallatin County and Bozeman for the many amenities the area has to offer, especially recreation opportunities. How can these amenities be preserved?
Park Planning and Development Manager, Addi Jadin, presented along with Chet Work from Gallatin Valley Farm to School and County Planner, Garrett McAllister.
Fall Feastival
Celebration of local agriculture and kick-off to Farm to School month held in October by Gallatin Valley Farm to School in partnership with the City of Bozeman and other community partners.
Fall-themed poster with event details
Parks and Recreation Department staff participated in the event with interactive activities for all ages.
Consultant-led Focus Groups
In October, the plan consultants visited Bozeman and held a series of focus groups organized around the following City of Bozeman Strategic Plan themes that dovetail with our work in Parks, Recreation and Active Transportation:
- Safe, Welcoming and Healthy Community
- Successful Collaborations and Partnerships
- Clean Air and Water and Climate Readiness
- Well-planned City of Parks, Trails and Multimodal Transportation
People from over 30 community organizations participated including Montana State University, Western Transportation Institute, Gallatin Valley Land Trust, Bozeman Baseball, Gallatin Valley Farm to School, Streamline Bus, Bozeman Public Schools staff and school board, Active Aging, Bozeman Barracudas, Bozeman Sports Park Foundation, Gallatin Watershed Council, Southwest Montana Mountain Bike Association, and the US Forest Service.
Bike Your Park Day
Over 100 people participated in this event with bike ride and free park activities for all ages!
A hand places a pin on a board that says "Where do you live? What is your favorite park? Connect with a rubber band"