Stormwater Facilities Plan

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Vehicle on flooded street with surcharging stormwater manhole.


The City of Bozeman is developing a Stormwater Facilities Plan update to improve existing stormwater policies, plan future capital infrastructure investments, and improve collaboration with other City projects. The need for an updated Stormwater Facilities Plan is in response to rapid community growth, evolving regulations, changing industry best practices, and acquired storm sewer system information. The updated Stormwater Facilities Plan will help ensure the Stormwater Division continues to protect public safety, improve water quality, and comply with state and federal regulations.

Project Goals

The goals of an updated Stormwater Facilities Plan include:

  • Update and improve stormwater post-construction policies,
  • Plan future water quality improvement projects,
  • Plan future flood control infrastructure projects,
  • Offer state and federal regulatory compliance guidance,
  • Identify future staffing needs, and
  • Provide Stormwater Utility funding recommendations.


The City of Bozeman is developing a Stormwater Facilities Plan update to improve existing stormwater policies, plan future capital infrastructure investments, and improve collaboration with other City projects. The need for an updated Stormwater Facilities Plan is in response to rapid community growth, evolving regulations, changing industry best practices, and acquired storm sewer system information. The updated Stormwater Facilities Plan will help ensure the Stormwater Division continues to protect public safety, improve water quality, and comply with state and federal regulations.

Project Goals

The goals of an updated Stormwater Facilities Plan include:

  • Update and improve stormwater post-construction policies,
  • Plan future water quality improvement projects,
  • Plan future flood control infrastructure projects,
  • Offer state and federal regulatory compliance guidance,
  • Identify future staffing needs, and
  • Provide Stormwater Utility funding recommendations.
  • February Update and Engagement Opportunities

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    Staff have been busy with reviewing portions of the 2025 Stormwater Facilities Plan update. A draft for public review and comment is still anticipated in early March. The Stormwater Division will present the draft to both the Sustainability and Community Development Boards. After presenting to both boards, their feedback and any other public comments will be considered for incorporation before bringing the Plan to the City Commission. We invite and encourage those interested to attend one or all of the meetings.

    Sustainability Board

    Wednesday, March 12, 2025

    Bozeman City Hall (City Commission Room)

    121 N. Rouse Ave.


    Community Development Board

    Monday, April 7, 2025

    Bozeman City Hall (City Commission Room)

    121 N. Rouse Ave.


    Bozeman City Commission

    Tuesday, April 15, 2025

    Bozeman City Hall (City Commission Room)

    121 N. Rouse Ave.


  • December Update

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    Just a quick update to let you know that we’ve passed all public comments to our consultant for incorporation into the plan. A final draft is expected to be available for public review and additional feedback in March 2025. There will be more opportunities to engage and provide comment at the March Community Development and Sustainability Board meetings. The plan is anticipated to go before the City Commission for adoption in April. We'll update this page when we have the dates confirmed.

  • November Update

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    The team is continuing to incorporate and respond to comments received through engagement over the last few months. Comments are still welcomed and can be sent directly to The final draft of the plan should be available for additional public comment in March 2025. We’ll post here on Engage Bozeman when the schedule is finalized.

  • Thank you for attending!

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    Thank you for attending our engagement events last month! We received valuable feedback from HOAs, Property Managers, Landscape Maintenance audiences, and the Gallatin Water Collaborative. We learned insight on unique challenges associated with post-construction facility design and maintenance and received input on CIP and collaboration opportunities.

    We have two more opportunities for you two engage in public comment:

    • Sustainability Board - August 14, 2024, at 6 pm at City Hall
    • Community Development Board - August 19, 2024, at 6pm at City Hall

    Stormwater Discharge near RouseFlooding on Babcock

    Infiltration Boulevard Treatment Unit Install

    Permeable Pavers and Infiltration Garden

  • Engagement Opportunity

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    supporting image

    A major goal of the Facilities Plan update is to improve stormwater post-construction policies, including;

    • City owned stormwater pond inspection and maintenance program,
    • HOA and privately owned stormwater pond inspections and maintenance,
    • HOA and privately owned stormwater pond inspection and maintenance Enforcement Response Plan,
    • Bozeman Municipal Code updates, and
    • Funding

    The Bozeman Stormwater Division is holding two (2) community engagement events for HOA’s, property management companies, and others who would like to provide input for improving our post-construction policies.

    Monday, July 22, 2024

    5:30pm – 7:30pm

    Stormwater Division

    7 E. Beall St. Ste. 100

    Thursday, July 25, 2024

    1:00pm – 3:00pm

    Stormwater Division

    7 E. Beall St. Ste. 100

    Please RSVP to or if you would like to attend.

  • Community Engagement

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    The City of Bozeman - Stormwater Division is beginning community engagement for the Stormwater Facilities Plan project. We will be consulting with the public on the different policy and capital project options, so stay tuned for more information. Contact information, project information, and important dates will be continually updated on this page.

Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 11:00 AM