Community Chat Toolkits

Toolkits are live! Engagement continues with toolkits to support community organized in-person discussions. Each toolkit provides instructions, some basic background information on the topic, and some questions to help kick off a conversation. You are welcome to participate in as many different topics as you choose to. You may let us know that you're hosting an event by completing this registration form. This will help us follow up with reminders and make sure we're gathering your input, but it is not required.

Select the hyperlink for each topic to download the toolkit.

What are the topic areas of the toolkits?

  • Neighborhoods: character, preservation, and compatibility
  • Housing: affordability, supply, variety and choice
  • Growth: zoning, density, buildings (height & transitions)
  • Transportation: traffic, parking, ped & bike infrastructure,
  • Environment: open space, natural areas, parks, wetlands, urban forest, water, sustainability

When your chat is over, be sure as the host or notetaker to complete the Post-Chat Survey to submit the results of your conversations. Please submit by April 30, 2025 so your input can be reviewed in preparation for City Commission consideration and direction at our meetings in May and June. Please contact Emily Kiely directly if you have any trouble downloading the toolkits or submitting your feedback.

Once all input is collected, analyzed, and considered, the next steps will involve discussions with the City’s advisory boards and City Commission to determine the scope of potential revisions to the draft UDC. Following necessary time to write those revisions, city staff will release an updated draft for public review and comment. This will be followed by the formal hearing process, likely in the fall, for ultimate decision by the City Commission.

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