New FAQs + survey reminder!
We've compiled several new FAQs as questions continue to roll in from members of the public. Find the answers to the questions below in the FAQs section on this page.
- What other code updates are in process or being planned for the future?
- Since the UDC project was delayed in the fall, what is the anticipated timeline for the review and adoption of the new code?
- Is the City going to start over on the UDC rewrite, or continue with the current draft of the code?
- Why doesn’t the UDC include provisions to require affordable housing in new developments?
- How will the new code regulate fraternities and sororities?
We've also received over 700 survey responses so far! Can you help us get to 1000?
Please share this email with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues about preferences on communications and engagement approaches for additional engagement on the UDC project. The last day to complete the survey will be Sunday, January 14th.
Please take 5 minutes and complete the survey today!

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