Online Engagement Activities Closed - Stay Tuned!

Thank you all for your feedback and participation over the last several months! While the UDC online engagement surveys are now closed, the project team will stay busy analyzing responses and continuing to draft the code - and you can continue to provide your input and participate in the process.
The project team aims to have a draft of the updated UDC released for public review in July. At that point, the City Commission, advisory boards, and members of the public will have the opportunity to review the draft code and engagement summary, and provide guidance to the project team as they refine their work.
The adoption process will take place over the summer and fall of this year, and will include multiple Code Connect webinars, public meetings of the Commission and advisory boards, plus an open house in August to kick off the next phase of the UDC update. The formal review and adoption process at the advisory boards and City Commission will begin in September/October, with the goal of reaching adoption before the end of the year.
Continue to check back on this page often for notice of these meetings, engagement events, and to review the draft code.

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