Thanks for attending our Open Houses!
We are so grateful for the time and effort spent attending our open houses and providing thoughtful feedback to staff and Commissioners. Spread over six open houses, we had over 310 attendees from all over Bozeman. It's clear how much people care about the future of Bozeman.
To review the materials from the open houses, please check out the display boards and slides, available under Presentation and Participation Materials section located on right (if you're viewing on your phone, keep scrolling to the bottom). If you weren't able to catch any of the open houses, feel free to watch the recording and flip through the slides from the virtual open house. We are also still collecting feedback by the Areas of Interest survey until January 8.
As a reminder, this phase of engagement was to hear from you and identify the topics that are most important to you that we can explore deeper in Phase 2. The Community Development team is working hard to transcribe the feedback received. At this time, the responses received on Housing Alternatives are available to be reviewed. You can expect a transparent report on the housing alternatives and top priorities in the coming weeks.
Again, thank you for taking the time to work with us in guiding future UDC conversations!

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