Stop destroying Bozeman in the name of unattainable "affordable housing"

Writing as a frustrated Bozeman resident of 19+ years. The Bozeman City Commission seems to have completely sold out its long time residents to Developers and outside demand to destroy our farmlands and neighborhoods - in the name of “affordable housing” - which will NEVER come to fruition.

No desirable town/city has EVER built their way to affordable housing. EVER. Name one. You can't. And they will destroy what makes this place special in their efforts to retroactively meet outside demand. There are so many building projects happening that Developers are importing foreign labor - creating even more housing competition!

Demand for the “last best place” will forever be greater than supply. So by building all these (horrendous Nexus) suburbs / apartment buildings on top of pristine open space, farm fields, and neighborhoods the Commission will create a city of “forever renters” whose fate will be at the whims of their rich landlords - without rent protections.

In the new zoning plan, they’ve classified my neighborhood off College st. to be RA - where developers can build 120’ x 120’ apartment buildings and forever destroy my neighborhood’s character.

The City must stop destroying open space, farmland, and neighborhoods for suburbs and apartment buildings to meet outside demand. The City will never overcome the arbitrage of people selling their $1M homes in Austin, Chicago, etc and moving here, out pricing locals.

The City will never achieve affordability via supply without rent control and they will destroy the last best place in the process.

Not to mention, the City knows we'll run out of water by 2030 at this rate!!!

If they won't listen to the silent majority of Bozeman residents, let's replace them this fall.

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