Equity Indicators Hub is LIVE!
Check out the Equity Indicators Hub with the data behind the Belonging in Bozeman Equity & Inclusion Plan!
During the Equity Indicators Project in 2021 we set out to characterize what inequity looks like in Bozeman, a city where about 55% of our residents are renters and about 86% of our population is white, non-Hispanic. Within these overall characteristics of our community, we found that people experience Bozeman differently depending on their circumstances and identity.
The Equity Indicators Hub is an open and easy to understand source of data that helps illustrate some of the ways in which the Bozeman experience is different for different people. The hub pulls in data from the Census Bureau and the American community survey, as well as from local sources like partner organizations at the Help Center, Bridgercare, Gallatin College, Child Care Connections, Streamline and the city of Bozeman’s own databases. We set up data sharing agreements and automated processes wherever possible to maintain these high level indicators that help underlie the reason for this work and characterize some of the disparities that the community thought were important to track as we develop our equity and inclusion plan.
This platform was made possible with the expertise of GIS professionals in the city's Asset Management Division, the data team within the Belonging in Bozeman Core Team, and our data sharing partners. Data on the site is available for download and use by the public.
Indicators from all 8 topic areas of the plan are included on this site and can be explored at belonging-in-bozeman.hub.arcgis.com
Consultation on the development of the Belonging in Bozeman Plan has concluded. Thank you for helping craft this plan!
For updates on plan implementation, visit www.bozeman.net/equityandinclusion.