Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan
Consultation on the development of the Belonging in Bozeman Plan has concluded. Thank you for helping craft this plan!
For updates on plan implementation, visit
12/19/23 - Plan Adopted!
Find the recording of the meeting on the city's website. As implementation gets underway, updates can be found at
The City of Bozeman is developing our region's first Equity & Inclusion Plan! With your input, this plan will guide policy, programs, and partnerships to help us create a Bozeman where everyone belongs.
Our goal is to ensure that all residents, visitors, and City of Bozeman employees can thrive regardless of their race, identity, or life circumstance.
The plan will be guided by the City’s Equity Indicators Project that identified gaps in our communityContinue reading
12/19/23 - Plan Adopted!
Find the recording of the meeting on the city's website. As implementation gets underway, updates can be found at
The City of Bozeman is developing our region's first Equity & Inclusion Plan! With your input, this plan will guide policy, programs, and partnerships to help us create a Bozeman where everyone belongs.
Our goal is to ensure that all residents, visitors, and City of Bozeman employees can thrive regardless of their race, identity, or life circumstance.
The plan will be guided by the City’s Equity Indicators Project that identified gaps in our community related to basic needs like housing, healthcare, economic security, and education. We found that not everyone has equal access to the opportunities or resources they need in order to thrive.
In order to address these gaps, we need to coordinate ongoing data collection, co-create a shared vision and desired outcomes, and develop actions and strategies to achieve those outcomes.
Some of the actions and strategies in the plan will be the responsibility of the City of Bozeman. Some will be the responsibility of local organizations and community members like you.
Please make sure to register on Engage Bozeman and "Subscribe" to receive email updates on how you can help shape this plan.
Thank you for being here!
Consultation on the development of the Belonging in Bozeman Plan has concluded. Thank you for helping craft this plan!
For updates on plan implementation, visit
Plan Adopted!
Share Plan Adopted! on Facebook Share Plan Adopted! on Twitter Share Plan Adopted! on Linkedin Email Plan Adopted! linkThe Belonging in Bozeman Equity & Inclusion Plan has been unanimously adopted by City Commission! Now we’ve got a plan that sets forth a path for collaboration across organizations, capacity building, deeper engagement, and better service delivery to those who need it most. We are so proud of what we’ve created together and implementation of several recommendations has already begun!
So what’s next? Now, it’s up to City departments and lead organizations to review the implementation workbook (Appendix B) and integrate the recommendations they’re leading into their work over the next three to five years. For the City of Bozeman, recommendations will be incorporated into departmental work plans, budget requests, and staffing plan requests.
Reporting progress: Over 1/3rd of the recommendations (38/98 total) are already “In-progress” and will be ongoing efforts or are on their way to being “Complete!”
- Each year, the City will reach out to partner organizations to gather any progress updates and metrics on recommendations for an annual update that we’ll deliver to the public via presentations at Economic Vitality Board and City Commission meetings. This annual update process will be orchestrated by a new staff member at the City of Bozeman that we’re currently calling the “Belonging in Bozeman Coordinator.” We hope to post this position and bring them on in early FY25 (Summer of 2024).
- In 5 years, we’ll take a comprehensive look at the plan and see to what extent it needs to be re-written to fit changing community contexts and progress made.
Since the community engagement phase of the plan development has wrapped up, updates regarding implementation can be found at
Thank you for your contributions to the plan!
Equity Indicators Hub is LIVE!
Share Equity Indicators Hub is LIVE! on Facebook Share Equity Indicators Hub is LIVE! on Twitter Share Equity Indicators Hub is LIVE! on Linkedin Email Equity Indicators Hub is LIVE! linkCheck out the Equity Indicators Hub with the data behind the Belonging in Bozeman Equity & Inclusion Plan!
During the Equity Indicators Project in 2021 we set out to characterize what inequity looks like in Bozeman, a city where about 55% of our residents are renters and about 86% of our population is white, non-Hispanic. Within these overall characteristics of our community, we found that people experience Bozeman differently depending on their circumstances and identity.
The Equity Indicators Hub is an open and easy to understand source of data that helps illustrate some of the ways in which the Bozeman experience is different for different people. The hub pulls in data from the Census Bureau and the American community survey, as well as from local sources like partner organizations at the Help Center, Bridgercare, Gallatin College, Child Care Connections, Streamline and the city of Bozeman’s own databases. We set up data sharing agreements and automated processes wherever possible to maintain these high level indicators that help underlie the reason for this work and characterize some of the disparities that the community thought were important to track as we develop our equity and inclusion plan.
This platform was made possible with the expertise of GIS professionals in the city's Asset Management Division, the data team within the Belonging in Bozeman Core Team, and our data sharing partners. Data on the site is available for download and use by the public.
Indicators from all 8 topic areas of the plan are included on this site and can be explored at
Belonging in Bozeman Plan advances to final adoption on Dec. 19th
Share Belonging in Bozeman Plan advances to final adoption on Dec. 19th on Facebook Share Belonging in Bozeman Plan advances to final adoption on Dec. 19th on Twitter Share Belonging in Bozeman Plan advances to final adoption on Dec. 19th on Linkedin Email Belonging in Bozeman Plan advances to final adoption on Dec. 19th linkThe City’s Economic Vitality Board recommended adoption of the Belonging in Bozeman plan at their meeting on 12/6! The plan will head to City Commission for consideration for final adoption on December 19th. Check out the draft plan and full historical narrative in the documents section on the right side of this webpage, and stay tuned for the Equity Indicators Hub that will accompany the plan!
Here are some ways to provide public comment on the plan to City Commission!
If you would like to provide public comment to the City Commission after reviewing the plan, you can do so through the following methods:
- Write an email to City Commissioners before 12pm on 12/19 at
- Attend the Dec. 19th City Commission meeting in person, or virtually and provide comment - Find details on the city website (meeting link and agenda will be posted Thursday, Dec. 14th)
The Commission Room is located off the lobby at City Hall at 121 N. Rouse Avenue. There are accessible parking spaces available and push button doors to the building on the East side of the building (Rouse Ave. side). The Commission Room has a loop assistive listening system. If you need accommodations to participate in the Commission meeting, you can reach out to Mike Gray, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, at 406-582-3232 or 406-582-2301 for TDD.
Plan draft available for review!
Share Plan draft available for review! on Facebook Share Plan draft available for review! on Twitter Share Plan draft available for review! on Linkedin Email Plan draft available for review! linkCheck out the draft Belonging in Bozeman Equity & Inclusion Plan! It's finally here after months of lots of input from community members in our survey, steering committee meetings and workshops, rich conversations in community chats, and fine tuning with partner organizations. Check out the full draft plan with a narrative outlining the purpose, process, timeline, historical context, and implementation workbook.
Next, the plan moves into the formal public review, comment, and adoption process with Economic Vitality Board on 12/6 and City Commission on 12/19!
After you check out the plan, you can provide public comment to the Economic Vitality Board and City Commission – here’s how:
- Write an email at any time to the Economic Vitality Board and City Commission at
- Attend the Dec. 6th Economic Vitality Board meeting virtually or in person to provide comment - Find details on the city website (meeting link and agenda will be posted this afternoon and the agenda is online)
- Attend the Dec. 19th City Commission meeting virtually or in person to provide comment - Find details on the city website (meeting link and agenda will be posted Thursday, Dec. 14th)
Thank you Community Chat hosts and participants!
Share Thank you Community Chat hosts and participants! on Facebook Share Thank you Community Chat hosts and participants! on Twitter Share Thank you Community Chat hosts and participants! on Linkedin Email Thank you Community Chat hosts and participants! linkWe are amazed at all of the incredible conversation that was generated by Community Chat hosts and participants! Over 100 folks participated in 17 conversations across our community about topics ranging from housing and food security to sexual and reproductive health, to uplifting the contributions of and supporting the needs of our Spanish-speaking community.
You'll find the themes integrated into our draft goals and recommendations that we discussed with Economic Vitality Board on October 4th, and the upcoming work session with City Commission on October 17th! Find the meeting materials and agenda for the City Commission on the city's website on Thursday 10/9.
Resources for Community Chat Hosts
Share Resources for Community Chat Hosts on Facebook Share Resources for Community Chat Hosts on Twitter Share Resources for Community Chat Hosts on Linkedin Email Resources for Community Chat Hosts linkHave you signed up to host a Community Chat? These conversations are essential in helping us develop meaningful goals and recommendations for the Belonging in Bozeman Plan! Register as a host by September 8th.
These conversations will focus on one or several of the Vision Statements for the plan and pose the following question for participants:
- What can individuals, community organizations, non-profits, local government and other institutions DO to achieve these vision statements?
Registered hosts will receive a copy of the Community Chat Host Toolkit and a recording of a training providing tips for hosting and facilitating a Community Chat.
Can't commit to hosting a Community Chat? Attend a public Chat hosted by the Belonging in Bozeman project team! Sign up ahead of time - space is limited! Meeting details will be sent to you after you sign up.
- VIRTUAL - Monday, September 11th, 12-1pm
- IN-PERSON - Wednesday, September 13th, 5:30-6:30pm
Sign up to host a Community Chat September 11-17
Share Sign up to host a Community Chat September 11-17 on Facebook Share Sign up to host a Community Chat September 11-17 on Twitter Share Sign up to host a Community Chat September 11-17 on Linkedin Email Sign up to host a Community Chat September 11-17 linkThese conversations unite residents from across our region to share their thoughts, insights, and experiences about what we can DO together to make our community a place where everyone can thrive.
Each conversation is an informal opportunity for all residents to contribute to the Equity & Inclusion Plan actions and recommendations. Conversations are held among friends, colleagues, neighbors, and other community groups, with a leader (like yourself) serving as a facilitator.
We’ll host an online training that will be recorded for you to check out at your convenience on August 23rd and send you a Host Toolkit to equip you with all the info you need to host an informed conversation on the topics included in the Plan.
Can’t commit to hosting? Join as an attendee at one of our public chats held throughout the week. Dates and details coming soon!
LGBTQ+ Community Chats - Register today!
Share LGBTQ+ Community Chats - Register today! on Facebook Share LGBTQ+ Community Chats - Register today! on Twitter Share LGBTQ+ Community Chats - Register today! on Linkedin Email LGBTQ+ Community Chats - Register today! linkCommunity Liaison Chace McNinch is hosting a couple of Community Chats in August! This is your opportunity to share with city representatives what it is like to live in Bozeman for people in the LGBTQ+ community. Whether you are someone who identifies with the LGBTQ+ community, a family member or friend of someone in the LGBTQ+ community, we want to hear your stories, your perspectives, insight and suggestions.
Please register ahead of time by filling out the google form.
Community Chats will take place on August 7th & August 14th, 2023 - 6:00pm-8:00pm. Location and details will be sent to you ahead of the chat when you register!
First round of Community Chats coming up in July to Celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the ADA
Share First round of Community Chats coming up in July to Celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the ADA on Facebook Share First round of Community Chats coming up in July to Celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the ADA on Twitter Share First round of Community Chats coming up in July to Celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the ADA on Linkedin Email First round of Community Chats coming up in July to Celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the ADA linkThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed 33 years ago on July 26, 1990.
In honor of this historic civil rights law, the City of Bozeman is celebrating this anniversary throughout the month of July!
The City is welcoming the disability community to participate in four Community Chats throughout the month. If you are someone who identifies as having a disability, these chats are for you! You will have the opportunity to participate in engaging dialogue with City staff where you can share what it is like living with a disability in Bozeman through your stories and lived experiences. You’ll also have the opportunity to share your thoughts on what inclusivity in Bozeman means to you and provide suggestions on how we as a community can shape Bozeman into a city where we all thrive and feel a sense of belonging.Sign up for one of the following dates!
- July 5th from 12-1 pm
- July 13th from 6-7 pm (cancelled)
- July 19th from 5:30-6:30pm (virtual)
- July 25th from 12:30-1:30pm
Lots to celebrate!
Share Lots to celebrate! on Facebook Share Lots to celebrate! on Twitter Share Lots to celebrate! on Linkedin Email Lots to celebrate! linkThe summer is heating up and we are excited to elevate so many different ways you can celebrate diversity in our community! Check out the "key dates" section on this webpage where you can find info on:
- Pride Month
- Juneteenth
- 33rd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Community Chats beginning in July - More info to come on how to sign up and participate!
Signup Banner
Key Dates
December 19 2023
December 06 2023
October 17 2023
October 04 2023
September 13 2023
Phase 1: Connect
Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan has finished this stageSummer/Fall 2022 - Project launch, develop community engagement plan, begin community engagement
Phase 2: Plan
Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan has finished this stageWinter 2022-Spring 2023 - Continue community engagement, develop a shared vision, desired outcomes, strategies, goals, actions
Phase 3: Prep for implementation
Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan has finished this stageSummer 2023-Fall 2023 - Develop recommendations, priority, and identify resources needed for implementing plan recommendations.
Plan Adoption!
Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan has finished this stageAfter review from City staff, local partners, Economic Vitality Board, and City Commission - approve the final plan by the end of 2023
Phase 4: Implement and Evaluate
Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan is currently at this stageImplement the action items in the plan through coordination with local partners. Evaluate and report progress through continued data collection and performance indicators.
Belonging in Bozeman Equity and Inclusion Plan 12122023 FINAL (23.1 MB) (pdf)
Community Liaison Reports
Bozeman MT Historical Narrative.pdf (273 KB) (pdf)
Vision Statements Overview (46.4 KB) (pdf)
BiB Community Chat Host Toolkit (3.98 MB) (pdf)
Vision Statements - Economic Vitality Board (760 KB) (pdf)
Equity Indicators Report
City Commission CEDAW Report + Quarterly Update (28.7 MB) (pptx)
Community Liaison Position Description (183 KB) (pdf)
CEDAW Resolution
Community Engagement Plan (254 KB) (pdf)