Belonging in Bozeman - Equity & Inclusion Plan

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Consultation on the development of the Belonging in Bozeman Plan has concluded. Thank you for helping craft this plan! 

For updates on plan implementation, visit

12/19/23 - Plan Adopted! 

Find the recording of the meeting on the city's website. As implementation gets underway, updates can be found at

The City of Bozeman is developing our region's first Equity & Inclusion Plan! With your input, this plan will guide policy, programs, and partnerships to help us create a Bozeman where everyone belongs.

Our goal is to ensure that all residents, visitors, and City of Bozeman employees can thrive regardless of their race, identity, or life circumstance.

The plan will be guided by the City’s Equity Indicators Project that identified gaps in our community

12/19/23 - Plan Adopted! 

Find the recording of the meeting on the city's website. As implementation gets underway, updates can be found at

The City of Bozeman is developing our region's first Equity & Inclusion Plan! With your input, this plan will guide policy, programs, and partnerships to help us create a Bozeman where everyone belongs.

Our goal is to ensure that all residents, visitors, and City of Bozeman employees can thrive regardless of their race, identity, or life circumstance.

The plan will be guided by the City’s Equity Indicators Project that identified gaps in our community related to basic needs like housing, healthcare, economic security, and education. We found that not everyone has equal access to the opportunities or resources they need in order to thrive.

In order to address these gaps, we need to coordinate ongoing data collection, co-create a shared vision and desired outcomes, and develop actions and strategies to achieve those outcomes.

Some of the actions and strategies in the plan will be the responsibility of the City of Bozeman. Some will be the responsibility of local organizations and community members like you.

Please make sure to register on Engage Bozeman and "Subscribe" to receive email updates on how you can help shape this plan.

Thank you for being here!

What does belonging mean to you?

What does it feel like to belong somewhere? 

What is your story around belonging and what does it have to do with the development of a community-wide plan? Share your thoughts on what it means to belong. 

We want to use your input to shape the definition of belonging that will be included in the plan. See some examples below from events where we've posed this question to many different community members. 

Examples of belonging shown here include "to feel equal," "you're at home, at peace and calm" "being involved in community events"


CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.