Consolidated Housing Plan
Consultation has concluded
The City of Bozeman was recently designated as an “Entitlement Jurisdiction” by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), meaning the City is now eligible to receive direct federal funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. These funds can help address several needs in Bozeman, including but not limited to:
- Infrastructure;
- Economic development projects;
- Public facilities installation;
- Community centers;
- Housing rehabilitation;
- Public services (e.g., increased access to mental health services, food access)
- Clearance/acquisition;
- Microenterprise assistance; and
- Homeowner assistance.
Before receiving these funds, the City of Bozeman must put together a Consolidated Housing Plan, which is a HUD-required document that requires the City to assess its affordable housing and community development needs and make data-driven, outcome-based investment decisions.
Additionally, the City strives to ensure the provision of fair housing throughout the community. As a recipient of federal funding, the City of Bozeman must affirmatively further fair housing by taking meaningful actions to overcome patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, eliminate disparities in opportunities, and foster inclusive communities free from discrimination. Federal and state fair housing laws prohibit discriminatory practices in any industry-related business or transaction that may affect the ability of protected class members to secure housing and live in the housing of their choice.
In addition to the Consolidated Plan, the City will also be developing a Fair Housing Plan, which will identify how needs differ for different community members, how current City policies and programs can better meet community needs, and where barriers to fair housing choice exist.