Announcing: Park-naming Competition Winners

After overwhelming response from over 100 people, 6 names have been chosen for the Blackwood Groves Park-naming Competition:
McGill Park submitted by Michelle Gollehon
"Caroline McGill was the founder of the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana, the first pathologist for state of Montana and the first successful female doctor in Butte, Montana". Because the main park system in the subdivision will eventually be linked to the Museum of the Rockies via the Gallagator Trail, this name seemed too good to pass up! -
Willow Woods Park submitted by Hampton Uzzelle
Willow Woods Park will be used for the park preserving the large willow stand with treehouse play features. -
Bitterroot Parkway submitted by Thomas Cuezze
"I propose naming the new park after Montana's state flower, the bitterroot. The bitterroot thrives on the harsh slopes of the Rocky Mountains, and its Latin name, Lewisia rediviva ("reborn"), refers to its ability to regrow even after frigid winters and severe droughts. This mirrors the pluck of all those who have come to Bozeman to make a home in this difficult landscape." - Best Friend Dog Park inspired by Rosalie, a 2nd grader at Morning Star Elementary
Spring Snow Park submitted by Julie Hunter
This chain of parks will be planted with spring snow crab apple trees. Julie provided us with the most suggestions after poring over the landscaping plans and hours imagining herself enjoying these new parks. She deserved a win! - The Cat's Walk submitted by Sage, a 3rd grader at Morning Star Elementary

Honorable Mention: Thank you to everyone who participated for their sincere, sweet, funny and visionary ideas. All of the names will be saved for future naming opportunities and projects as we engage with new communities to shape our parks and trails. We hope you enjoy the artwork by local artist, Sharon Glick, showing you hard at work!!
Consultation has concluded