Sustainability: Water and Open Space

Allowing cash in lieu of water and cash in lieu of open space/parkland is not sustainable in the face of climate change. Hence, these allowances should be removed from the UDC, and each new development project, regardless of zoning, should be required to provide a combination of onsite water and onsite open space sufficient to completely offset the development's carbon footprint.

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carlalpj about 2 years ago
Cash in lieu of open space and cash in lieu of water both need to be removed from the UDC.  Currently, the UDC allows developers to give the city (1) cash in lieu of open space/parkland and (2) cash in lieu of water, both of which work against keeping open spaces "open" within city limits. 
Share Cash in lieu of open space and cash in lieu of water both need to be removed from the UDC.  Currently, the UDC allows developers to give the city (1) cash in lieu of open space/parkland and (2) cash in lieu of water, both of which work against keeping open spaces "open" within city limits.  on Facebook Share Cash in lieu of open space and cash in lieu of water both need to be removed from the UDC.  Currently, the UDC allows developers to give the city (1) cash in lieu of open space/parkland and (2) cash in lieu of water, both of which work against keeping open spaces "open" within city limits.  on Twitter Share Cash in lieu of open space and cash in lieu of water both need to be removed from the UDC.  Currently, the UDC allows developers to give the city (1) cash in lieu of open space/parkland and (2) cash in lieu of water, both of which work against keeping open spaces "open" within city limits.  on Linkedin Email Cash in lieu of open space and cash in lieu of water both need to be removed from the UDC.  Currently, the UDC allows developers to give the city (1) cash in lieu of open space/parkland and (2) cash in lieu of water, both of which work against keeping open spaces "open" within city limits.  link