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Here are the results from the survey from October. We are currently working with our consultant to develop revised design plans that reflect the feedback we received through the survey and open house. Take a look at the results and let us know if you have any questions!

The orange bars are the average of the responses received during the open house and from property owners. We received 9 responses.
The gray bars are the average of the responses we received from the online survey posted on Engage. We received 19 responses.
Everything above 3.0 is considered high priority for responders and below is lower priority.
Simple Poll results with 89 responses.
- Standard Section – 44% preferred
- Shared Use Path Alternate – 33% preferred
- Neither – 24%
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Thank you to those who attended the W. Babcock Open House last week. If you were unable to attend, there is still opportunity to share your input on the street design by completing the Proposed Improvements Survey online. Please complete the survey by October 31.
The Engineering department will continue to collect feedback from the survey and the Transportation Board over the next month. After we collect and analyze this feedback, we will provide direction to our design consultant to develop revised design plans that reflect the comments received. We anticipate the revised design plans to be completed early in 2025. Once these are complete, we will be hosting an additional round of engagement which will be announced here on Engage Bozeman. Be sure to subscribe to the page to stay informed of all engagement opportunities.
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We are asking road users and adjacent residents to share their preferences on the street's lane configuration and bike and pedestrian facilities. Both options will have similar increase in vehicle capacity with safety improvements as well as decreased wait times at the 19th and Babcock intersections. Please take a look at the two design options below and complete the short poll!
Option #1: Standard Typical Section
Option #1 Standard Typical SectionDescription: The Standard Typical Section includes a drive lane in each direction separated by a center turn lane. It has on-street bike lanes on each side of the drive lanes with a standard sidewalk on each side of the street.
Pros |
Cons |
- Slightly less expensive (though cost of each option is similar).
- Less impact on existing trees, landscaping, and utilities.
- Cyclists that prefer on-street bicycle facilities will favor the on-street bike lane in each direction.
- Pedestrians that prefer separated infrastructure from cyclists will prefer the on-street bike lanes.
- No on-street parking available.
- No off-street bicycle facilities for cyclists that prefer to be separate from vehicle traffic.
Option B: Shared Use Path Alternative
Option #2 Shared Used Path AlternativeDescription: The Shared Use Path Alternative includes a drive lane in each direction separated by a center turn lane. The alternative removes the on-street bike lanes in favor of adding a parking lane on the south side of the street. It has a standard sidewalk on the north side of the street with a shared use path on the south side of the street.
Pros |
Cons |
- Parking lane available along the south side of the street.
- Cyclists that prefer off-street bicycle facilities will have the option to use the shared use path.
- Slightly more expensive (though cost of each option is similar).
- Most impact on existing trees, landscaping, and utilities.
- Cyclists that prefer on-street bicycle facilities will have to use the shared use path or share the vehicle travel lane with motorists.
- Pedestrians that prefer separated infrastructure from cyclists will not prefer this option.