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The Historic Preservation Advisory Board is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Historic Preservation Awards. We thank everyone who submitted. Please join us in recognizing the winners at the Award Ceremony on Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00pm at the Emerson in the Weaver Room.
Restoration/Rehabilitation (Residential) - This project recognizes an exceptional effort in the preservation of a structure that enhances its character and maximizes its distinct features.
Jess Pope Residence, 208 Lindley Place Restoration/Rehabilitation (Commercial) - This project recognizes an exceptional effort in the preservation of a structure that enhances its character and maximizes its distinct features.Gallatin Laundry Building, 137 E. Babcock Preservation Legacy - This project recognizes commitment to preservation and withholding the legacy of Bozeman
Samuel Lewis House, 308 S. Bozeman Adaptive Reuse - This project recognizes an exceptional effort in a creative example of adapting an existing building for a new use while maintaining its original character. Romney Hall, MSU CampusPreservation Stewardship- This recognizes a group that has a positive impact on historic preservation and honoring the history of our community. Mountain Time Arts, Teepees on Peets Hill
Smart Growth Excellence- This project recognizes a significant addition to a building that promotes infill and also respects the nature and form of the structure.RSVP Motel, 510 N. 7th Avenue
Landscape- This project recognizes enhancement to the landscaping that promotes sustainability techniques while respecting the context and history of the areaCannery District, 113 E. Oak
Signage- This project recognizes the restoration of a historic sign.
The Ellen Theater, 17 W. Main StreetCultural Heritage - This project recognizes the overlooked history of minority groups in Bozeman and how their voices and stories are respected and heightened.
American Indian Hall, MSU Campus
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The Bogert Park tour that was scheduled for May 5 from 6-7pm has been canceled. We apologize and thank you for your interest. See you at the other events!
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We have extended the Preservation Award nomination to Friday, April 29. The nomination form can be found here. Save the date for the Award Ceremony on Wednesday, May 25 at the Emerson Weaver Room.