Fowler Avenue Connection

The Fowler Avenue Connection Project will connect Fowler Avenue from Oak Street to Huffine Lane. This project has moved into the design phase. Thanks so much to all who have followed along and given feedback on this project so far.
Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a 30% design has been developed and the project team is ready to share with the community. The 30% design Plans are located under the documents section on the right hand side of the page. Please reach out if you have trouble locating them.
We recognize there may be questions regarding the 30% design plans, so we’ve set up a Q&A forum on the website. Simply navigate to the Q&A Session tab below and post your questions. Our team will respond so everyone can see the conversation.
As the project moves throughout the design phase, the project team will continue to keep you informed throughout this next phase and let you know about upcoming opportunities to provide your input.
Register to participate in the online Q & A forum and receive email updates from the team. Thank you for your interest in this project. We’re glad you’re here!
A little background on the project:
The Fowler Avenue connection project kicked off with the pre-design phase in the fall of 2021. During this phase, the project team focused on understanding existing conditions along the corridor, including environmental and traffic analyses, gathering input from the community on design elements, and estimating potential costs.
By August of 2022, the project team provided a final Pre-Design Report and conducted a work session on the next steps for the project with the Transportation Advisory Board and the City Commission. After hearing a summary of community input and the traffic and environmental analyses, City Commission directed staff to move into the design phase of the project.
Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a thirty percent (30%) design has been developed and the project team is ready to share it with the community. At this stage, the basic layout and some key details have been outlined, but the design will become more refined as it progresses into the 60% design (estimated completion September 2024) and 90% design phases (estimated completion January 2025).

What matters most for the future Fowler Ave?
What are the most important considerations for you as we design the Fowler Avenue Connection?
Whether you’re a neighbor, a Gallatin High student, or a commuter by bike, bus, foot, or car, we want to hear about your values, hopes, and concerns for this new transportation corridor.
Your responses here will be visible to other site visitors and help the project team prepare for further conversation with neighbors, commuters, and other community groups during the engagement process.