Fowler Avenue Connection

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An aerial image of a roundabout under construction

The Fowler Avenue Connection Project will connect Fowler Avenue from Oak Street to Huffine Lane. This project has moved into the design phase. Thanks so much to all who have followed along and given feedback on this project so far.

Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a 30% design has been developed and the project team is ready to share with the community. The 30% design Plans are located under the documents section on the right hand side of the page. Please reach out if you have trouble locating them.

We recognize there may be questions regarding the 30% design plans, so we’ve set up a Q&A forum on the website. Simply navigate to the Q&A Session tab below and post your questions. Our team will respond so everyone can see the conversation.

As the project moves throughout the design phase, the project team will continue to keep you informed throughout this next phase and let you know about upcoming opportunities to provide your input.

Register to participate in the online Q & A forum and receive email updates from the team. Thank you for your interest in this project. We’re glad you’re here!

A little background on the project:

The Fowler Avenue connection project kicked off with the pre-design phase in the fall of 2021. During this phase, the project team focused on understanding existing conditions along the corridor, including environmental and traffic analyses, gathering input from the community on design elements, and estimating potential costs.

By August of 2022, the project team provided a final Pre-Design Report and conducted a work session on the next steps for the project with the Transportation Advisory Board and the City Commission. After hearing a summary of community input and the traffic and environmental analyses, City Commission directed staff to move into the design phase of the project.

Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a thirty percent (30%) design has been developed and the project team is ready to share it with the community. At this stage, the basic layout and some key details have been outlined, but the design will become more refined as it progresses into the 60% design (estimated completion September 2024) and 90% design phases (estimated completion January 2025).

Existing Conditions in the Fowler Connection Area. This image is an aerial view of the Fowler Avenue Corridor and shows which gaps will be completed during this project. Some future sections will require new intersections with local streets and paths.

The Fowler Avenue Connection Project will connect Fowler Avenue from Oak Street to Huffine Lane. This project has moved into the design phase. Thanks so much to all who have followed along and given feedback on this project so far.

Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a 30% design has been developed and the project team is ready to share with the community. The 30% design Plans are located under the documents section on the right hand side of the page. Please reach out if you have trouble locating them.

We recognize there may be questions regarding the 30% design plans, so we’ve set up a Q&A forum on the website. Simply navigate to the Q&A Session tab below and post your questions. Our team will respond so everyone can see the conversation.

As the project moves throughout the design phase, the project team will continue to keep you informed throughout this next phase and let you know about upcoming opportunities to provide your input.

Register to participate in the online Q & A forum and receive email updates from the team. Thank you for your interest in this project. We’re glad you’re here!

A little background on the project:

The Fowler Avenue connection project kicked off with the pre-design phase in the fall of 2021. During this phase, the project team focused on understanding existing conditions along the corridor, including environmental and traffic analyses, gathering input from the community on design elements, and estimating potential costs.

By August of 2022, the project team provided a final Pre-Design Report and conducted a work session on the next steps for the project with the Transportation Advisory Board and the City Commission. After hearing a summary of community input and the traffic and environmental analyses, City Commission directed staff to move into the design phase of the project.

Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a thirty percent (30%) design has been developed and the project team is ready to share it with the community. At this stage, the basic layout and some key details have been outlined, but the design will become more refined as it progresses into the 60% design (estimated completion September 2024) and 90% design phases (estimated completion January 2025).

Existing Conditions in the Fowler Connection Area. This image is an aerial view of the Fowler Avenue Corridor and shows which gaps will be completed during this project. Some future sections will require new intersections with local streets and paths.

  • Update on City Commission Schedule

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    Due to time constraints, Bozeman City Commission has moved the Fowler Avenue Connection work session to July 16, 2024.

    Any written public comment received and intended for the previously scheduled City Commission meeting will be saved and considered at the July 16 meeting.

    This meeting will seek policy-level feedback on the proposed design's compliance with the project approach defined through the Pre-Design phase of the project. You can join the meetings in person or online.

    Links to join and agenda will be posted on the city website the week prior to the meeting:

    City Commission Agenda

    Public comment on the project is welcome and can be provided in-person or online during the meeting or by writing to

  • Fowler Walking Tour

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    Interested community members are invited to learn more about the 30% design for the future Fowler Avenue Corridor through a guided walking tour starting at Oak St. and heading towards Durston Avenue.

    Date: Wednesday, June 12th

    Time: 6:00 PM

    Meeting Spot: Dinosaur Park, 1707 Vaquero Pkwy

    Tour Location: Oak St. and Fowler Avenue

    We will walk for about 90 minutes to review the 30% design plans, including the proposed 2-lane configuration, intersection designs, multimodal facilities, and landscaping.

    What to Bring:

    • Good walking shoes
    • Weather-appropriate clothing

    Safety guidelines will be provided. We look forward to your participation!

  • Upcoming Meetings

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    The Transportation & Engineering Department has reached the 30% design phase of the Fowler Avenue Connection project and will be providing a special presentation to the Transportation Board and the City Commission.

    • Transportation Board on May 22, 2024, at 6:00 pm
    • City Commission on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 6:00 pm

    Both meetings will seek policy-level feedback on the proposed design's compliance with the project approach defined through the Pre-Design phase of the project. You can join the meetings in person or online.

    Links to join and agendas will be posted on the city website the week prior to the meetings:

    Transportation Board Agenda

    City Commission Agenda

    Public comment on the project is welcome and can be provided in-person or online during the meeting or by writing to

  • Fowler Community Event - Thank You!

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    supporting image

    Thank you to everyone who was able to come out to the Fowler Avenue Connection Community Event on May 8, 2024. Your presence, questions, and discussions were invaluable and created a meaningful and productive atmosphere. For those who were unable to attend or if you would like a recap, the 30% design plans, the boards that were on display, and the presentation from the community event are available on the website. You can find the boards and the 30% design plans on the right-hand side of the page under the "documents" section. The presentation is located under the "videos" section.

    If you have additional questions or questions that we were not able to get to during the event, we have created a Q & A section where you can post your questions and our team will answer. Look for the Q & A section on the homepage, mid-way down the page.

    We truly value your involvement and hope to continue working together to strengthen our community. Please reach out to any of the project team should you need anything else!

  • Design Phase Continues

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    Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a 30% design has been developed and the project team is ready to share with the community.

    Please join us for the Fowler Avenue Connection Community Event!

    When: May 8, 2024 from 6:00-7:30 pm

    Where: Bozeman Public Safety Center; Chuck Winn Community Room located at 901 N. Rouse Avenue Bozeman, MT

    Can't attend in-person? There is a virtual option for this event. Join us at 6:30 via Zoom to listen to the presentation and participate in the question and answer session:

    What: The project team will present the designs, discuss key elements, and answer any questions the community may have. The presentation starts promptly at 6:30 pm followed by a question and answer session.

    Can’t attend at all? No problem, our project team is still happy to answer your questions. We’ve set up a Q&A forum on the website - simply navigate to the Q&A Session tab and post your questions. Our team will respond so everyone can see the conversation.

    As the project moves throughout the design phase, the project team will continue to keep you informed throughout this next phase and let you know about upcoming opportunities to provide your input.

    Thanks for all of your interest and input in this project so far. We look forward to chatting with you more!

  • Checking back in on the Fowler Avenue Connection

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    Happy Fall from the Fowler project team! We've updated the background section of this project and are chiming in here with a brief update.

    The city is continuing to plan for this project as we refine cost estimates and begin to develop more detailed designs for this new connection based on public input and direction from the City Commission.

    One of the ways we’re doing this is through the city’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This is a five year financial planning tool that the city updates every year. It ensures that we are looking ahead to provide schedules and cost estimates to improve and maintain city facilities, parks, and transportation infrastructure. The Fowler Avenue Connection Project will be a major component of the CIP this year.

    The CIP goes through the typical public meeting process and will be presented to the Transportation Advisory Board at their meeting on October 25th, and City Commission at their meeting on December 12th. Head to where meeting agendas, materials, and links to join virtually will be posted 3 days before the meeting.

  • Pre-design report published!

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    You can find the Pre-Design Report in the documents section to the right! This report captures all of the background on the project, analysis of existing conditions, future traffic models, and what we've heard from the community so far.

    The tools on the project page are currently closed, and you can provide your public comment to the project team and City Commission by emailing

    We will continue to keep you informed throughout the design stage and let you know about additional engagement opportunities and ways to provide your input here on the Engage Bozeman project page.

    If you haven't yet done so, please sign up for email newsletters by clicking "Subscribe" in the lower right hand side of this page!

  • Transportation Board meeting materials

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    Hello all,

    Please find the agenda and meeting materials for the Transportation Board meeting on Wednesday 7/27 on the city's website at The Fowler Ave Connection will be the first action item on the agenda after the general public comment period. There will also be public comment on this action item specifically after the project team presentation and questions from the board members.

    Thank you!

  • Thank you + upcoming meetings

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    Thanks to all who came out to the open houses! We appreciated the good dialogue, questions, and input. The survey has been closed with over 140 responses including those that were submitted at the open houses. There will be two more meetings before the project goes to design phase.

    • Transportation Board on Wednesday, July 27th at 6pm
    • City Commission on Tuesday, August 2nd at 6pm

    Both meetings will cover the full pre-design report and recommendations for moving into design phase. Board members and commissioners will hear public comment, ask questions, and make a recommendation on moving forward to design phase. Links to join and agendas will be posted on the city website the week prior to the meetings.

    You can join the meetings in person or online or write to to provide written public comment at any time. All of the submissions on this project page will be included in the pre-design report and provided to decision makers in the pre-design report. We'll post a copy of that here as soon as its finalized!

  • DATE CHANGE: Join Us for an Open House!

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    Join us at the upcoming Fowler Connector Open House events to learn more and provide feedback about the preliminary design ideas. The project team will be providing overviews of the various corridor configurations for street layout, intersection types, and multimodal amenities. Both events will be held at Fire Station #3 (1705 Vaquero Pkwy, Bozeman, MT 59718) with parking at the Dinosaur Park.

    • 4:00-6:00 pm Tuesday June 14th
    • 4:00-6:00 pm WEDNESDAY JUNE 29th
Page last updated: 21 Jun 2024, 11:36 AM