Building our Future Together - Development Code Update

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The City Commission has restarted engagement and work on this project. See the News Feed for updates.

Updated draft text as of Oct 29, 2024

Updated Draft zoning map reflecting updated text draft

This project is all about implementing the vision and goals established in our city’s guiding documents such as the 2020 Community Plan (aka Growth Policy), the Climate Plan, and strategic priorities like affordable housing.

These broad visions, goals, and priorities are implemented through the Unified Development Code or “UDC” or “the code.” The UDC sets forth regulations around what kinds of development can occur in which areas through development standards and zoning districts.

The goal for this engagement effort is to consult the community on how to improve usability of the UDC and how the regulations in the UDC can help us accommodate growth while meeting community goals in our Community Plan, Climate Plan and others.

Throughout the project residents, developers, builders, and the community at large will be consulted on specific topics relevant to how different people interact with the code. Specific focus areas will be:

  • Formatting, organization of the UDC

  • Zoning Districts

  • Sustainability

  • Parking

  • Transportation

This project page will be the place to go for updates on how to engage in person, virtually, or on your own time. You can subscribe to email updates specific to this project by clicking “Follow Project” on the right hand side of this page. We're glad you're here!

The City Commission has restarted engagement and work on this project. See the News Feed for updates.

Updated draft text as of Oct 29, 2024

Updated Draft zoning map reflecting updated text draft

This project is all about implementing the vision and goals established in our city’s guiding documents such as the 2020 Community Plan (aka Growth Policy), the Climate Plan, and strategic priorities like affordable housing.

These broad visions, goals, and priorities are implemented through the Unified Development Code or “UDC” or “the code.” The UDC sets forth regulations around what kinds of development can occur in which areas through development standards and zoning districts.

The goal for this engagement effort is to consult the community on how to improve usability of the UDC and how the regulations in the UDC can help us accommodate growth while meeting community goals in our Community Plan, Climate Plan and others.

Throughout the project residents, developers, builders, and the community at large will be consulted on specific topics relevant to how different people interact with the code. Specific focus areas will be:

  • Formatting, organization of the UDC

  • Zoning Districts

  • Sustainability

  • Parking

  • Transportation

This project page will be the place to go for updates on how to engage in person, virtually, or on your own time. You can subscribe to email updates specific to this project by clicking “Follow Project” on the right hand side of this page. We're glad you're here!

  • Thanks for attending our Open Houses!

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    We are so grateful for the time and effort spent attending our open houses and providing thoughtful feedback to staff and Commissioners. Spread over six open houses, we had over 310 attendees from all over Bozeman. It's clear how much people care about the future of Bozeman.

    To review the materials from the open houses, please check out the display boards and slides, available under Presentation and Participation Materials section located on right (if you're viewing on your phone, keep scrolling to the bottom). If you weren't able to catch any of the open houses, feel free to watch the recording and flip through the slides from the virtual open house. We are also still collecting feedback by the Areas of Interest survey until January 8.

    As a reminder, this phase of engagement was to hear from you and identify the topics that are most important to you that we can explore deeper in Phase 2. The Community Development team is working hard to transcribe the feedback received. At this time, the responses received on Housing Alternatives are available to be reviewed. You can expect a transparent report on the housing alternatives and top priorities in the coming weeks.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to work with us in guiding future UDC conversations!

  • Areas of Interest Survey

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    In addition to the open houses coming up in December, we now have an Areas of Interest survey open as a way to engage with as many voices as possible. The intent of the survey is to learn which topics are most important to our residents, which will then inform our more topic-focused discussions in the springtime.

    Thanks for staying with us throughout this process and we look forward to kicking off in-person engagement on December 2!

  • New Draft Released and Public Open Houses Scheduled

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    In conjunction with the release of an updated draft and text, six public open houses are scheduled to advance the next step in public input and review of the draft code. Locations are spread throughout the community to make attending more convenient. The content and opportunities for input will be consistent at each open house. Scheduled dates and locations are:

    12/2, 12-2 PM | MSU SUB Ballroom B Room 233/235, 751 W Grant St, Bozeman *Please note room change!

    12/4, 6-8 PM | Gallatin High School, 4455 Annie St, Bozeman

    12/5, 6-8 PM | Hope Lutheran Church, 2152 W Graf St, Bozeman

    12/9, noon | Online; register at

    12/11, 6-8 PM | Gallatin County Fairgrounds, 901 N Black Ave, Bozeman

    12/12, 6-8 PM | Sacajawea Middle School, 3525 S 3rd Ave, Bozeman

    For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact the ADA Coordinator David Arnado, Facilities Superintendent, at (406) 582-3232 (voice), 582-2301 (TDD).

  • October 2024 Update

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    In October 2023, the Commission gave residents more time to share their thoughts and learn about the Unified Development Code (UDC) update. The feedback from the community helped shape a revised plan for engagement and the project’s timeline. The Commission is set to keep working on the UDC, with the schedule below showing the steps they’ll take to offer more chances for public input this fall and winter, and to create a final draft for possible approval next year.

    There are state-required deadlines and rules that the city has to follow. The city will meet these standards through two projects. The "GP Transition" project will focus on updating the long-term land use plan to comply with new state rules and will start in late winter 2024. The UDC project covers standards for new development and the process for changing regulations. This project started in July 2022 but was paused late last year and will restart in October 2024 with more chances for the public to get involved.

    Several state-required rules have raised concerns based on the feedback we’ve received. You can review the current UDC draft on Engage Bozeman. Public input will guide revisions before the code is finalized. Our goal is to blend state-required updates with the goals of our Community Plan in one project. Many elements of the UDC exist today with no change proposed. However, there are several standards that are of particular concern, and we look forward to working with as many members of the community as possible to complete the project. As shown on the graphic, the city must complete transition of the growth policy and adoption of state law compliant regulations (in the UDC) by May 17, 2026.

    UDC Draft Schedule

    Fall 2024 - Winter 2024: Engagement

    Winter 2024 - Spring 2025: Drafting and Final Draft

    Summer 2025: Hearings & Adoption

    Fall 2025 - Winter 2025: Implementation

    Winter 2025 - Spring 2026: Legislation Follow-up

    MLUPA (382) May 17, 2026 Deadline

  • Engagement Update

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    Thank you for your continued engagement on this project and to those who attended last week’s commission meeting. We have received lots of public comment on how you want to engage with this project, and we are updating the Community Engagement Plan to reflect those insights and what we heard from the Commission. Some things that we heard were to expand our partners list and to create an engagement toolkit that community members can use to lead conversations around this project.

    You can review the draft engagement plan, posted in the Code Documents section. The plan will be presented to City Commission for adoption on Tuesday, October 1. Join us at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. or email your comments to

  • Restart this September

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    We’re now ready for a restart! Thanks for your patience throughout this time. The City will be discussing timing, the future scope of this project, and what the next engagement effort might look like at the Sept. 17 Commission meeting, held at 5 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting will not involve a public hearing or substantive code discussion and is intended only as the first step in “part two” of this project. All are encouraged to come out and have your voice heard on how the UDC moves forward.

    The public can expect numerous opportunities to participate in a variety of ways over the coming months. We’ll provide an update on what the upcoming engagement looks like once we have more guidance from the work session.

    Thanks to all who have given input on this project – we hope you continue to do so and help us engage with other members of the public as well. This project is made better with each person who gets involved.

  • Survey Results

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    Survey results are IN! Please see the links below for all responses in graph format and Excel. The Excel sheet also contains individual written responses to the questions asked about other ideas for reaching people (tab named 'Open Response (comms)'), other ideas for gathering input (titled 'Open Response (eng)'), and other times people can meet (titled 'Open Response (meet)').

    The engagement plan is still being formed and we hope to share more information on that soon. For now, thank you for participating and giving so many great ideas on how to reach people. This has been truly helpful in generating new ideas and understanding what options work for people.

    Survey Results PDF

    Survey Results Excel

  • New FAQs + survey reminder!

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    We've compiled several new FAQs as questions continue to roll in from members of the public. Find the answers to the questions below in the FAQs section on this page.

    • What other code updates are in process or being planned for the future?
    • Since the UDC project was delayed in the fall, what is the anticipated timeline for the review and adoption of the new code?
    • Is the City going to start over on the UDC rewrite, or continue with the current draft of the code?
    • Why doesn’t the UDC include provisions to require affordable housing in new developments?
    • How will the new code regulate fraternities and sororities?

    We've also received over 700 survey responses so far! Can you help us get to 1000?

    Please share this email with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues about preferences on communications and engagement approaches for additional engagement on the UDC project. The last day to complete the survey will be Sunday, January 14th.

    Please take 5 minutes and complete the survey today!

  • Engagement survey is live!

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    The next step of this project is to gather additional feedback from residents on the draft code. Before we develop the plan on how we'll gather input and start doing outreach, we want to know from you - what are YOUR preferences for communication channels and engagement techniques? Please help us shape how we implement this next communication and engagement effort and fill out the survey! It will remain open through the holidays and close on January 14th. Paper copies will be available for anyone to pick up and return to:

    • City Hall on the front desk across from the Finance Office at 121 N. Rouse Ave.
    • Community Development front counter on the second floor of the Alfred Stiff Professional Building at 20 E. Olive St.

  • What's next in engagement?

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    Now that you all have heard the news about the UDC hearing process being delayed, what’s next? While much of this is still to be determined, we can say a few things with certainty:

    • This isn’t a restart of the project. We have received lots of great feedback so far from the community to develop the draft code. We will continue to work with this draft and want to hear additional feedback on it from those who may not have had a chance to engage. We will use all of this information in editing the working draft and hope to present an updated draft ahead of the new hearing process. That means you won’t see revisions/an updated draft until after engagement occurs.
    • We want your thoughts on how to design our engagement process. In November, we will launch a survey to collect your preferences for how we gather your input and communicate with you. We’ll list a number of achievable options and whichever techniques float to the top will be implemented, so please be sure to weigh in if this is of interest to you!
    • Engagement won’t occur until the new year. Before the holidays, we will use results from the engagement and communication preferences survey to create an engagement plan. We want to make sure people have adequate notice and opportunities to participate, so we won’t start any activities until after the first of the year.

    Thanks for your patience as we develop the next steps. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and hope we can design a process that our community feels good about. And as always, reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 04:03 PM